Err on the Side of JOY

What would it feel like if, just for today, you err on the side of joy? We’re all too familiar with thinking it’s better to err on the side of caution. But is it? Erring on the side of caution is a innate response. Our reptilian brain is designed to protect us and being cautious keeps us safe from making mistakes, from being vulnerable and potentially getting hurt. But to err on the side of caution causes us to approach people and situations from a fearful place and closes us off to possibilities and to expressing the joy that we are.

Here’s a little secret. Each of us has the light of joy within us. We don’t have to go looking for it, we are it! When we err on the side of caution, we go into the world with our light in the off position. We deny our truth and basically we’re driving down a dark road with the lights off.

“You are joy, looking for a way to express. It’s not that your purpose is joy, it is that you are joy. You are love and joy and freedom and clarity expressing, energy-frolicking and eager. That’s who you are.” ~Abraham Hicks

When we err on the side of joy, we go into the world with our light on and our hearts open to new and exciting possibilities. This light opens us up to new ideas and experiences that we might otherwise miss. To err on the side of joy is to drive with your headlights on all the time…no matter what comes, a patch of fog or darkness, you can always see what’s ahead and you’ll know what to do. Joy is an outward sign of an inward faith in YOU.

Are you traveling through life with your light on, or off?

Here’s an example from my life. I live in a constant state of wanderlust. Travel lights me up…it is a place where I express the joy that I am. I thank my mother for this. While she rarely traveled, she would have gone anywhere given the opportunity. For a long time, I erred on the side of caution, and denied myself the joy of travel. I had all sorts of reasons or excuses – time, money, fear of the unknown, listening to what other people think and taking on their fears as my own. Now, I err on the side of joy, and turning that light on has opened up my life and my work to immersive travel experiences for me and my clients. JOY!

Where are you erring on the side of caution?

Is it that interaction you are going to have with someone you dislike or find difficult? Or perhaps, as I did with travel, you err on the side of caution about something that brings you joy in life. What might it look and feel like to respond to life with your light on?  I believe if we err on the side of joy we really can’t err at all, we’re following our own light and we might just light the way for others. What if, just for one day, you play with this idea, have fun with it and err on the side of joy?

From my joyful heart to yours,

Experience the joy of immersive travel and Nurture Your Inner Goddess with me this fall in Tuscany, Italy.

Photo by Mohammed Hijas on Unsplash

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