The Courage to Change

Happy April 3rd! This may not be a significant day for you, but for me it’s kind of important. It’s the anniversary of the day I set out to redirect my life in a way that feeds my soul. Nothing changes if nothing changes, and I knew I wanted more of life and more from life. It has been 3 years and my life has changed in ways I didn’t imagine when I took the leap. I’ve found courage and confidence I didn’t know I had. And I’ve learned so much in these last few years there’s no way it can fit into one journal entry. In celebration, here are a few things I’ve come to know.

It takes courage to be who you are.

Doing what makes me happy doesn’t necessarily fit the socialized ideals of success or work for that matter. It takes courage to follow your heart, to be who you are meant to be. There’s push back from people who want to tell me the reality of what I am doing, to give me their perspective on why this isn’t a good idea, or think I am just plain crazy. While I know that I am doing what I am meant to do at this point in my life, it takes courage and dedication to stay true to a dream. I don’t have to adopt anyone else’s point of view. Which brings me to the second point…

Find your tribe.

Surround yourself with people who fan your flames and forget those who attempt to douse your fire. It’s easy to think and feel you’re going it alone. I’ve found there are a lot of ‘flame fanners’ out in the world. It takes courage to set your intention to attracting them and then put yourself out there. In reality, you’re giving yourself and others the gift of loving support necessary to free your creativity. Be it spiritual community, business support, life coaches, a mastermind group…be open to receiving the gifts others have to share and you’ll find yourself easily sharing yours. Not everyone will get you and that’s OK.

Let it go.

Let go of what doesn’t serve you. We hear this a lot and it might sound cliché. Seriously! I had to let many, many things, people and long standing beliefs go. This was and continues to be the most difficult lesson for me because it takes courage, self-awareness and trust in yourself to recognize what isn’t serving you any longer. Up until now, I’d held onto jobs, people, situations, things, and beliefs that felt oh so comfortable, but nothing grew there. I finally came to understand that when I let go of what doesn’t serve me, I create space in my consciousness and my life for new ideas, people, and experiences to enter. I’ve learned to appreciate what was and lovingly set myself and others free.

I can tell you from my personal experience and my work as a coach, women (me included) almost always underestimate ourselves. My desire was to follow my heart and change that for me, and for other women like me. Here I am doing just that.

I just love knowing that my life is a grand experiment.

That I get to play with ideas and try new things and express the fullest version of me in the present moment. I don’t have to take everything so seriously. This is quite a relief. I am always discovering something new and in that discovery I change yet again. No longer do I think of myself as a work in progress, but an experiment in progress.  One that keeps shifting and changing, opening and expanding to greater awareness, greater compassion, and deepening love me and the world around me. And, I love knowing that for you, too!

From my heart to yours,

Awakening Women Worldwide is my way of widening the community from my own backyard to anywhere in the world. It’s a place and a space where women can courageously be themselves, experiment and play with ideas for personal change and growth, and support and hold space for each other. Join the tribe!

Photo by Mona Eendra on Unsplash

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