A Conversation With The Universe

I know I talk about this stuff a lot. It’s a big deal! Most of us are totally oblivious to the fact that our self-talk is creating the conditions, experiences, or circumstances of our life. We don’t recognize that we are affirming whatever it is we think and speak – even if it’s only to ourselves.  It’s all a conversation with the Universe. And, we live in a Universe that responds or corresponds to what we think and believe. The mind is the most powerful tool we have. What are you affirming?

Here are 3 simple yet powerful ways to raise your awareness and shift your inner dialog.

  1. Look at your life today. Is it what you truly desire? What we experience today is the result of the Universe responding to past thinking and self-talk. Are you giving your attention to what you want in life? Perhaps you believe you have to settle for what life hands you? Does your conversation with the Universe support and affirm what you desire, or not? Are you speaking to yourself from a place of love, compassion, and faith?
  2. Become aware of your first thoughts of the day. What do you tell yourself as you begin to awaken in the morning? Does your energy feel heavy or light? Notice what you’re thinking, what you’re telling yourself about this moment and the day ahead. Are you grumbling about work, your boss, your commute, your kids, your spouse or are you starting your day with gratitude for all the blessings in your life? I know this can be difficult in challenging times and that’s exactly when gratitude is needed most.
  3. What are your last thoughts as you lay your head on the pillow at night? Are you thinking, thank goodness that’s over? Or, do you make a habit of practicing gratitude for all the blessings of that day. Notice what you’re thinking. Let go of the day and imagine the best day ever tomorrow. Remember, today is the result of past thinking. Why not set an intention for the kind of day you want to experience tomorrow? The Universe is listening…what do you desire?

I know what you’re thinking. “Who has time for this?”

I get it. I’ve been there. I know YOU are more powerful than you will ever know and I believe most of us have a secret life, a bigger life, we want to express into the world. We have ideas and dreams we don’t share with anyone else because we’re afraid of what other’s may think. I call them sacred contracts. They are the reason we are here in this physical world.

Living that big life can be scary. The thought of expressing it can feel like jumping off a cliff without a net. It can also be exciting and incredibly fulfilling. And you’re worthy of all that and more. What’s your conversation with the Universe? Are you willing to shift your thinking? What are you willing to discover about yourself?

from my heart to yours

What you affirm about yourself comes from a place of self-love…join me for L.O.V.E. Essentials to discover more basic practices in loving yourself and creating your best life yet!

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Photo by Yun Xu on Unsplash

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