Conditions, conditions, conditions…be like petunia!

I was walking Gracie yesterday when I saw this single petunia growing out of the wall along a neighbor’s front yard. It struck me how resilient it is, growing in a spot where conditions are less than perfect to say the least. Petunia doesn’t think, I’m lonely or I belong in a beautiful garden so I can’t blossom. It doesn’t allow conditions to keep if from doing what it is designed to do – reach for the sun and joyfully blossom.

How often do you allow your present conditions to hold you back from reaching for the sun and following your joy?

We all have dreams and desires bubbling up inside of us. Most of the time we doubt, question, dismiss, or deny them. We look at our life in the moment, see our current conditions and believe we can’t or maybe shouldn’t follow what our deeper self is calling for. I know you know what I’m talking about. I don’t have the time, the money, the education or there’s someone or something thing that happened in my life that prevents me from being what I want to be. Sound familiar?

We think we need perfect conditions before we follow our dreams. In truth quite the opposite is true. By living into our dreams we change our conditions. Here’s the thing. The conditions of our life today, however wonderful or lackluster, are the manifestation of our past thinking. And, a lot of this past thinking is based in old stories and beliefs, what I call our “box of BS” (beliefs that no longer serve us). We’ve created an identity around our BS that we believe defines who we are now and who we can or can’t be in the future. It’s all made up.

You are life happening, in this very moment.

Life expresses through us, as us. Our dreams and desires are divine assignments. Do you ever wonder where they come from? How does a dream find it’s way to you? I believe dreams are divinely inspired by our deeper self, whatever name you give it – Spirit, Creative Intelligence, Universe. This bubbling up is your true self wanting to express naturally, like that petunia blooming in the middle of nowhere. What if you surrender to it? Stop resisting it and let go of who you think you’re supposed to be? What if you begin to live into this expanded version of your deeper self in this moment…and the next…and the next?

So, how do we get started?

We start with the dream, or course. I invite you to try this simple exercise.

  • Find a quiet spot where you can be completely still and silent for at least 5 minutes. More time is better; 5 minutes is a good start.
  • Take three long, extended breaths and allow yourself to relax. Scan your body feel life energy flowing through you.
  • For the next 5 minutes, allow yourself to imagine you, now, living the dream. Right now. Notice who you are in the dream, and most importantly, how it feels. Don’t judge it, label it, dismiss it…just allow yourself to be present with it. Surrender to the imagination and allow yourself to know what joy lives within you.
  • You might even keep a small journal just to capture your dreams.

As you go through your day, just notice from time to time how you’re expressing yourself. What are you aligned with? Your joy or and old story? That’s it. Just notice. Awareness is the first step. Are you hearing your own BS?

Conditions, conditions, conditions…be like petunia. Live by design, follow your dreams, and express the joy that is within you. You are designed for this! I believe in you and your dreams. Now’s the time for you to believe it too.

From my heart to yours,

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