Certainty and Faith

Have you ever heard anyone say, “nothing in life is guaranteed”? When you buy a product you believe it will work, but even if it’s guaranteed it may not. The guarantee covers replacement or repair. Right? Nothing is certain yet before we take a chance on ourselves we want to be sure we’re not going to make a mistake, or a wrong choice, and sometimes I think we want to be sure we won’t fail. One thing I know for certain, nothing will change in our lives if we don’t take the first step…and that takes faith.

The first step is always the most difficult one. Getting started. Most of us have spent time wishing. Right? I wish I had a different job, or relationship, or lived someplace warmer or cooler, or fill in the blank with your wish. I’ve certainly been here lots of times in my life in all areas – lifestyle, career, relationships.

Like you, I debated, hemmed and hawed, and asked other people what they thought. I feared making the wrong move and always imagined the worse. I kept looking for the answers, for guidance, for certainty, all from outside myself. So, I stayed stuck in that place and wishing for something better for quite a long time. It took some major events in my life to pull me out of the trance and to have faith in that first step. Was it easy? No. Worth it? Absolutely. It starts with the willingness to begin.

I invite you to try this…

Allow yourself a few minutes of quiet where you can close your eyes and imagine. Go ahead…it’s safe. You’re not committing to anything, you’re just envisioning the possibilities. Allow yourself to see that thing you’re wishing for. Hold it in your mind’s eye and then feel into this version of yourself, of your life.

  • Where are you?
  • What are you wearing?
  • Who are you with?
  • What are you doing?
  • And, above all, what are you feeling?

Don’t let fear get the best of you. When you feel resistance just note it – this is something you can become curious about later. The fear and resistance are just the old lizard brain that signals danger anytime we do something different – but there’s no danger here. You are now imagining your own greatness – and it’s the very reason you are here.

Did you do it? It felt amazing, right? You are amazing!

Now. Before you get all tangled up in the reasons it won’t work, or it’s crazy, allow yourself to think of one way in which you can be that version of yourself today and each day going forward. Let’s say for example your future self is a motivational speaker with thousands (or maybe millions…it’s your dream) of people in your audience. You have seen yourself in the future now and you know who you are and how you feel. Got it? Good.

Next, find one small way in which you can embody that version of yourself right now. Maybe it’s just in the way you dress, or perhaps this future you rises early in the morning to walk. So you begin to incorporate that into your mornings. If that feels like a stretch, you might just wake 10 minutes earlier and be willing to lace up your walking shoes – for starters – and you do that for a week. Then the next week you actually lace up your walking shoes and get out the door into the fresh air. Eventually, you’re walking a half mile a day, then a mile. Look at you go!

Faith is believing it will happen even though you don’t know how.

When you were young, you probably learned to ride a bike. Few of us learned on the first try. We had a vision. Inside, we knew how it would feel to be riding on our own. We had faith that we would. In the beginning we started with training wheels. That felt scary – we wobbled down the driveway most likely – and even though we couldn’t really fall, it felt like it.

Slowly, over time, we mastered that and then our parent’s took the training wheels off. Then, you might have had your mom or dad hold onto the back of your seat until you steadied yourself and eventually you didn’t need any help. You became that which you envisioned – a bike rider!!

The late Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” What if you look at that vision as possible instead of impossible. What if, like those training wheels, you did something each day to embody who you want to become and had faith even if you’re a little wobbly? The certainty we are looking for lies within us, in our vision and the faith that we are meant to ride.

It’s never too late, and you don’t have to wait. What are you willing to discover about yourself?

From my heart to yours,

Join me in Tuscany in October to Nurture Your Inner Goddess!

Photo by clotaire lehoux on Unsplash

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