The Potato Chip Dilemma and the Art of Disruption

I’ve always thought of myself as a writer. Even as a young girl, I loved making greeting cards and writing cute poetic messages in them for family and friends. Somewhere along the way, I got the message the it was silly or unimportant, and I stopped doing it. Later in my business career I found myself working in corporate communications. No big surprise here. However, you might be wondering what this has to do with potato chips and the art of disruption. Let me explain.

Not long ago, I found myself on the couch one afternoon devouring a bag of my favorite potato chips. I love the salt and the crunch, and I never met a potato I didn’t like. However, on this particular day, I wasn’t really hungry and I don’t even remember going to the cupboard to get them. It was like I was in a potato chip coma and I came to at the bottom of the bag. I know it sounds a bit ridiculous, but maybe this has happened to you. As I came to, I was really curious about what was going on with me. These are the moments I’m grateful for all my coach training.

“With awareness, reality shifts.” ~don Miguel Ruiz

What’s interesting is that writing is an activity I can get lost in and even forget to eat. As I got more curious about this, I could see a pattern of turning to food when I felt stuck, especially when I felt stuck in old feelings and what I was writing that day touched a place deep within me. I felt a lot of old feelings rising to the surface. Add to this my desire to ‘get it right’ and you have the potato chip dilemma. I spent some time reflecting and journaling about all of this. I wanted to write from the heart, which means letting go of any ideas about having to be anything but myself. Was I willing to just write from the heart and let the rest go? Could I write a shitty first draft without judging it or myself? Was I ready now to practice the art of disruption from this new awareness?

This is the real work of a life coach. To help clients disrupt their old stories, to live outside their box of BS(beliefs) and into their dreams and desires. Want to live a kickass life? You’ll have to let go of all your old stories because they won’t fit the new you. And we’re always changing, evolving, growing into a more expansive expression of our self. Living a kickass life doesn’t mean adding things to your already long to-do list. Quite the opposite in fact. It’s about taking away. Taking away all the things that weigh you down and freeing yourself up to follow your heart.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

There were a lot of different stories wrapped up in the potato chip dilemma. A feeling of not being good enough, as I am, to write; the desire to write perfectly (whatever that means), and there’s a bit of imposter syndrome in there too. No matter what the story is, the fact remains that I love to write, and so I do. The only way we get better at anything is to practice and that includes the art of disruption.

What’s your potato chip dilemma? What are you willing to let go of and discover about yourself? I’m here to help you practice the art of disruption.

From my heart to yours,

Schedule Your Discovery Call Today!
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

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