About That Change of Heart || Life Coach || Elaine Blais

There was a time when I believed in a change of heart. When someone softens or changes their position about something we say “they’ve had a change of heart”. I can recall many times I’ve had what I believed was a change of heart.  Often it was when I’d wanted to do something that excited and scared me but I didn’t go through with it. But, I’m wiser now…or at least I like to think I am…and what I believe has changed. In fact, everything about me has changed over time, except my heart. The heart is the one constant. It is the spiritual essence within me, and you. It is the divine intelligence that breathes life into each of us, that gives us the ability to move about in this physical form. It is infinite, all knowing, and ever present. The heart never changes and always knows what it wants, but the mind…oh, well, that’s a whole different matter.

We live in a culture that values thinking. That mind over matter will get the job done. We want people to think outside the box, think it over or think it through. We are told to think big, think fast, think on our feet. The trouble is, the rational mind only knows what it knows. It’s a repository of past experiences and it wants to protect us. This is good in many ways, otherwise we may all be running red lights, and playing with fire. Nonetheless, the rational mind is like a toddler – it can’t be left unattended for very long without getting into trouble. By trouble, I mean believing everything it thinks. Yet, our heart knows the way towards the light of our full potential. The key is to let the heart lead and change the mind. So, how do we do this you ask?

We know the truth by the way it feels. The body is our innate navigational system. We often have that ‘gut feeling’ about something, or maybe you’ve felt an inner nudge to call someone, or do something or go somewhere even if you didn’t know why or it didn’t make sense. We are all intuitive beings and we know what feels good to us and what doesn’t, yet we often allow our mind to rationalize these feelings, dismissing them as silly or senseless. Still, however subtle our intuitive feelings may be, they are our spiritual essence showing us the way, revealing all we need to know if we choose to be still and listen. In this way, we allow the heart to be the master and the mind it’s servant. With this awareness we can consciously shift our thoughts to align with our heart.

Here is a quick exercise you might want to try.

Find a comfortable spot where you can sit quietly for a few minutes. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out allowing your body to relax. Bring your attention to your heart and begin to imagine something you like to do that feels good…it could be anything, reading a book, going dancing, sipping a cup of tea with a friend, embracing someone you love…allow yourself to feel into this experience with all your senses. As you do, notice how your body feels. Perhaps you feel light, free, or maybe you have a pleasant sensation or tingling. Note these positive feelings as your inner compass directing you towards what your heart desires. These are the feelings you want to experience more of. This is the essence of following your heart and moving into your light. The rational mind may begin to tell you this isn’t possible, or right, or you shouldn’t be doing this right now…just notice and love that, and continue to embrace all the good feelings you desire and carry them with you through the day. By doing so, you invite more of what you want into your life.

Be gentle with yourself in the process. You’ve probably relied on the rational mind for quite some time. It’s true that changing our thinking can change our lives and the first step towards change is awareness. And, meaningful change takes awareness, and practice, and lots of self-compassion. There was a time when I believed one could have a change of heart, yet I know now that the heart is changeless. It knows the way and I am learning to lead with my heart and let my heart change my mind.  Perhaps you’re ready to do the same. Perhaps you’re ready to tune in and turn on your inner light? Together, we can flip the switch.

From my heart to yours,

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