A Commitment to Me and to You || Life Coach || Elaine Blais

I’m enrolled in a program designed to help me add some structure to my business and as a result I’m making a commitment to me and to you. When I decided to follow my heart into work I feel passionate about – to fulfill my calling – it was both exciting and scary. It still is, especially when I put something out publicly. Yet, it’s the kind of excitement that feels a little like butterflies and magic. That is, until my inner lizard kicks in and starts chattering about all the reasons it might not work and getting all caught up in what could go wrong…and so on. But, what if it goes right?

We all have an inner lizard. It’s that prehistoric part of the brain that holds our fight, flight, or freeze mechanism. It’s sometimes difficult to quiet it down but we can learn to work with it and love it. I’ve come to see my inner lizard, the internal chatter, as a child. A little girl version of me that is easily frightened and often needs my reassurance that all is well. Small children can often chatter on and on entertaining themselves. If you have children or have spent some time with small children you know what I’m talking about. Did you learn to tune out the chatter? Exactly! My inner lizard would rather have me do a little lizard song and dance then put this out there. Nonetheless…here it is!

As I commit more and more to following my heart, I am making a commitment to me and to you to post a weekly blog. This may not sound like a big deal but for this procrastinator who has been blogging ‘monthly-ish’, it is. It’s a commitment to putting more of myself and my heart into my business and out to you. My inner lizard is doing her best to talk me out of it. She’s feeling a bit antsy and she’s chatting up a storm! “I don’t think you’ll come up with anything to write!” “I don’t think you can stick to it.” “Who do you think you are, anyway?” “No one wants to read your stuff.” Blah, blah, blah… My heart however is delighted at the idea of writing more and the opportunity to share my heart and my work with you more frequently. Its one way in which I want to show up in life and I know I can.

I can’t promise it will always be enlightening, although that is my aim. I can promise it will be real. Real joy, real angst, real experiences, real successes and challenges, real lizard brain chatter, and real opportunities for me to share what I learn on this spiritual journey as a coach, a mentor, as a woman, and as a newly minted entrepreneur. I hope you’ll come along for the ride. I hope you’ll share this with others you think may find value in it along with upcoming events and opportunities I can offer you.

I know that making the choice to follow your heart, whether its making small changes in your life or major shifts, is both exciting and scary. I also know if I can do it, you can too!

From my heart to yours,

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