
“Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.” Carl Jung

I went for a walk with a friend the other day. She had just returned from a bicycling trip in Eastern Europe and we were catching up. We talked about her adventures biking an amazing 600 miles in 4 weeks! In our conversation, she shared her experience ‘bonding’ with the other women on the trip, most of whom she’d never met. She described it as incredible, a kind of connection she’d never experienced before. Sounded like synchronicity to me. All those women putting their intentions and desires out into the Universe and, wham! Synchronicity. It is affirmation that our deepest desires are aligned with the flow of the Universe.

I had a similar experience in a cooking class in Siena, Italy last year. I spent just 3 hours with women from all over the world that evening – India, Israel, France, Canada, Poland, Italy of course, and the U.S. We gathered with shared purpose, united by our love of food, cooking, and travel, and a shared desire to connect with others. Let’s be honest, if you are traveling solo, and most of us were, you’re probably not going to sign up to work this closely with strangers unless you’re open to connecting. Within minutes of making introductions, that kitchen became a small world where kindred souls gathered in unison, chopping, blending, and kneading as lively conversation simmered throughout. As we passed plates of food and carafes of wine at the rustic table, conversation peppered with laughter, we passed parts of our lives, our stories, ourselves. There were many ‘me too’ moments highlighting how similar we are regardless of geography and the energy in the room grew brighter, fuller, and richer as the evening went on. It was magic and I believe we all went away changed by the experience and grateful for having met. I certainly did.

The beauty of synchronicity is that it happens all the time, in grand experiences and in small everyday moments – we don’t have to travel to find it. We only need to be in the present moment and expand our awareness.

Ciao…and Happy Trails!


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