Stuck In Vacation Mode

This week, I found myself stuck in vacation mode. You know what they say – old patterns die hard. As I plan for this cross-country trip, I began to feel scattered, unfocused, and a bit anxious. I struggled to find words for this blog. Actually, I struggled to just sit in my seat and write it. And, I’ve been dancing around lots of other stuff, too.

I sat with this for a while and in the stillness, was the old and familiar feeling of vacation mode. On old pattern from my days of working in corporate jobs. It might be familiar to you, too. It’s the feeling that I’m trapped under a mounting pile of work that I ‘should’ do before I leave, but all I can focus on is getting out the door.

Here’s the thing. This is not a vacation. It’s an adventure into lifestyle change. I’ve had this desire for quite some time to create a work life that is location independent. I want to be able to work from wherever I find myself. Still, some old, deeply held pattern came up and I got stuck. When I recognize it, I know I can change it. I consciously moved from the idea the I’m either working or traveling to the idea that work and travel can go hand in hand.

Ernest Holmes said, “Change your thinking, change your life.” Indeed, the only thing that can change my life and move me towards what I desire is what and how I think about it. The more I shift my thinking and feel into this location independent life, the more I become it, the more it becomes me.

Are you stuck in vacation mode anywhere in your life? Let’s talk about changing your life.

We are all Mapmakers and Travelers 

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