Practice Gratitude

When we practice gratitude we not only shift our own consciousness, we begin to shift the consciousness of those around us and ultimately, the world. ~Elaine Blais

This morning a friend challenged me to the 7 day black and white photo challenge. You’ve probably seen this on your Facebook feed too. I love photography and I’m happy to oblige. Thinking about all the wonderful photos I have to post reminds me of all the lovely and often breathtaking places I’ve been to or seen. This prompted me to create my own challenge. I challenge you to practice gratitude.

Gratitude helps us see what there is rather than what there isn’t in our lives. And, in this consciousness, we invite more of what we desire into our lives. Gratitude is the invitation to more of what we love, more of what we have, more of what we desire. It opens the door to deeper love, and greater joy and happiness. It’s not only good for the soul. It strengthens the heart muscle, the body, and increases our immune system. Why not try it for 30 days? You’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I’ll be adding to this list daily throughout November. I hope you’ll keep your own list and share this with others creating not just a ripple but a giant wave of gratitude. Imagine how powerful that will be

  1. I am grateful for the love of family and friends, and the supportive community I’ve create in my life.
  2. I am grateful for the deep soul work taking place in my workshops.
  3. The beauty and medicine of the butterfly. I met this beauty yesterday. She’s been hanging out on the last of the flowers in the garden. She let me get up close…nose to nose close, I could see her eyes close and all the detail on her wings close. This is pure magic!
  4. Today, I’m grateful for sweet Gracie, a gorgeous pink morning sky, and fall gifts from the garden.
  5. Ubuntu: I am because you are. Ubuntu is more than a word, it is an African philosophy for peace, and part of our Sunday service today at Concordia. I am grateful for spiritual nourishment and community. And, I am the thankful for the clerk at the store today who noticed me carrying a big bag of dog food and brought me a shopping cart. Ubuntu.
  6. Peace and Happiness – knowing on a deeper level that peace and happiness come from within. They are already mine to explore, express, share, and protect. There is no one that can give them to me – they exist within me.
  7. Today, I’m grateful for the power of intention, the practice of mindfulness, the skills I have as a life coach and the adventure and alchemy of putting then all together.
  8. The practice of journal writing – and bright, beautiful journals and pens. This is a practice of healing, of empowerment, of self-discovery and knowing myself more deeply with each day. I capture stories, clarify thoughts, and awaken my inner voice and connect with me inner wise self.
  9. I’m grateful to the Women Writing Their Lives in workshop with me. For their courage to open their hearts and minds to the ideas and concepts and share deep insights. I’m grateful for what each of us brings to this experience and for what I am learning from them.
  10. Today I’m grateful for a warm home on this blustery November day, the aroma of coffee brewing in the early morning, time for quiet reflection, homemade chili to share with friends this evening, helping a friend with a ride to the airport so she can spend time with her daughter, new tires and the good people servicing my car.
  11. I’m grateful for this day; waking up in a warm cozy bed, puppy love, the stillness of morning meditation and prayer, finding peace in the chaos of life, and deep, loving conversation with my tribe.
  12. I am grateful for many things today not the least of which is this memory. The day I signed the contract on my bungalow. I love the hardwood floors, lots of widows and light, the front porch and gas appliances. It was a short sale. I wasn’t the highest bidder, still I could see myself here and I held onto the feeling of walking into the light in this place. It turned out that I was the best qualified bidder. It took three months before we closed, yet I never doubted that it was meant to be. I’ve been here nearly 6 years now and it still feels amazing. I love to sit here in quiet reflection and I love filling it with family and friends, with food and laughter, and most of all love. 
  13. I’m grateful for mornings, the dreamy time in between being asleep and awake when I set intentions for the day, settle into morning rituals, and give thanks for the new day.
  14. I’m grateful today for memories of my father. For his laughter, his love, and his eternal presence in my life.
  15. Coming together with likeminded women and widening the circle of connections and community. New and exciting collaborations and adventures. The power of managing my energy rather than my time.
  16. I see my bills as blessings and I’m grateful for each one. They represent all the abundance in my life and I bless them as I pay them. My mortgage represents shelter and comfort, a respite for my body and soul. Utility bills are the exchange for clean water to drink, for washing and bathing. Lights to read by, to power my computer, to make coffee and cook meals, to wash and dry clothes. I’m grateful that my bills are always paid and I will always have what I need to do so, and more.
  17. Hot cocoa with mini-marshmallows, toast and peanut butter and the way it sticks to the roof of your mouth. The wind on my face. Giving myself the space to reflect. For the awareness to pause and mind the gap between thought and feelings and following those feelings, allowing the feelings to guide me to the next right step. I’m grateful for me, and I’m grateful for you for without you there would be no me.Carry on!
  18. For the immeasurable power of women gathering, connecting, supporting, inspiring, encouraging, and honoring each other. For showing up, allowing yourselves to be seen, and allowing me the same. I’m grateful for all the women in my life who know unequivocally that love is their superpower and nothing can shake that belief. Women with fierce minds, kind hearts, and brave spirits who believe in their own power just as much as anyone else’s. Mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmothers, friends…the circle continues to widen and, for this too, I am grateful.
  19. I am grateful for an inner knowing. An inner conviction that is certain that I am a beneficial presence. I am one with all that is, with Infinite Intelligence. That my life is of value and worth. That I am here as a human expression of the Divine and that place within is a place of complete wholeness and goodness. In this knowing, I can turn away from old stories and beliefs of the past, and choose to live joyfully and purposefully. This not a self-centered declaration. It is what I know to be true for me and for you.
  20. I’m grateful for a wonderfully full today! A morning walk, mandarin oranges, english muffins and peanut butter. Hot coffee, a promising meeting, getting through some bookkeeping, 2018 business planning, and evening yoga. I’m grateful for the veggies I roasted yesterday, and to the people at the market who make a delicious rotisserie chicken so I don’t have to do the work. I’m grateful for a glass of rose and snuggles with Gracie. I’m grateful for a warm coat and hat on a blustery day, for the quilted pattern of leaves covering the backyard, for the sound of silence in the evening, and the way the world starts to come alive in the morning. I’m grateful for me, and I’m grateful for you.
  21. I’m grateful to have entered the field of life coaching. get to cheer, encourage, and empower clients on their journey into more fulfilling lives and I can’t think of any work more gratifying and fulfilling than that!
  22. I am deeply grateful for midlife. Yes. You heard that right! Midlife, that half way point between adulthood and the end of this life. My hair may be silver, but my heart is gold. I’m grateful for the wisdom of age, for no longer giving two shits about what other people think. Thankfully, I have a deepening appreciation of the joy and freedom of living each day in my own way. I know, without a doubt, love is the only power there is, that everything is love, even if I don’t see it in the moment.I’m grateful to be ever more aware of my own fear responses and give myself the space to feel into it, investigate it, and respond with love and kindness. I look for spirit in everyone and everything and every situation. This challenges ego, the personality, the socialized self, in a big way. Never the less, as Byron Katie says, “The ego is terrified of truth. And the truth is, the ego doesn’t exist.” I am challenged to see beyond what I think should be, and accept what is.I’m grateful for all the teachers in my life – which, of course, is everyone that has touched my life. I know love because of each one, no matter how I thought I was treated. I am especially grateful to those I felt wronged me. As I reflect on these experiences now, I see them as openings to learn forgiveness and self-love.Lastly, I am grateful for this concept I learned recently from Martha Beck, The Way vs A Way. We often get caught up in what we think The Way is in any given situation. When I’m attached to the way (my way), I think I have to make something happen. This wanting to control brings about stress and anxiety, and it isn’t pretty when I’m attached to the how, to the outcome. There’s tremendous freedom when I let go of this attachment and know, without a doubt, that there is A Way, and stay open to the possibilities.
  23.  It’s Thanksgiving…Gratitude Day! My favorite holiday of the year. Family, food, and love. Today I give thanks for my family. I’m grateful and blessed to see my three children, Jeff Drake, Leanne Drake, and Christopher Drake(I love you all!!), grow into loving, caring, responsible, supportive individuals each a unique expression of life and love. I find joy in simply observing them interact with each other – taking in their laughter and love. I am blessed with three grandchildren – Madilyn, Connor, and Olivia. There is nothing in the world that can melt my heart the way they can. The touch of their hand on my face, holding their small hand in mine. Their laughter feels like sunshine warming me from the inside out. They are playful, articulate, courageous, spirited, funny, giving, intelligent and oh so confident and optimistic. I’m grateful to my former husband; for his part in my life and this family. While we had our challenges as a couple, we created something quite amazing as a family, and I will always love that.

    I give thanks for my family. My siblings, William Blais, Michelle Gagne, Lisa Blais Salzillo, and Steven Blais. We don’t always see eye-to-eye and we have very different opinions – of course, each of us in our own unique expression of life and love. Stlll, we are there for each other always, and in all ways. I give thanks for my Mom who, at 87, continues to live an active and full life.

    I am grateful today for today – for this new day, for the time with my family, to share food, fun, and laughter. To share our lives, our stories, our hurts, our joys, and our love.

    24.I’m so grateful for yesterday’s dinner. To Leanne and Dave for hosting and to everyone who prepared and brought all the deliciousness to the table. When I returned home to Gracie, we went for a walk. I’m an observer by nature (I like that about me) and while outside I took some time to view the night sky. I wrote a little prose in appreciation.

    After the meal was done and dessert devoured I returned home to Gracie. We headed outside for an evening walk. As I looked up into the night sky, I saw the black sky dotted with white clouds. I’ve loved the night sky since I was a little girl. There’s something magical about the moon and the stars that feel dreamy to me. When the moon is full it shines into my bedroom window and I leave the shades up so it can watch me sleep. As I looked up tonight, I felt myself pulled closer to the sky, as thought it was drinking me in and I could touch the clouds. That familiar welcome of the night and we knew a thousand ways we’ve met before, greeting each other as old friends do.

    I’m thankful for this day after Thanksgiving. For moving slowly, savoring memories, and hiking with friends.

    25. Today’s gratitudes are another random list of life’s events and happenings that I am truly grateful for.

    Being present for a friend as she launches a new venture
    Hiking in the woods with friends on a warm November day
    Receiving an answer that wasn’t what I hoped for and knowing it is perfect nonetheless
    Understanding more fully the power of intentions, the power within myself to be and express love, peace, abundance, and joy from a place deep within
    Curiosity; the willingness to see with new eyes, to look from a different angle or someone else’s perspective
    Synchronicity; when you meet someone who has great energy and they keep coming into your orbit (or you into theirs) and you know it’s time to collaborate

    26. I’m grateful for the power of intention. I know I’ve said this before, but let me ask you this. Have you ever set and intention and later realized it? You just sat back one day and saw all the things you’d manifested in your life. Some of them may be things you don’t or didn’t want. Nonetheless, there is this clarity about your ability to create your life, that what you think brings about what you get in life. Here’s an example from my life.

    In 2011, When I was studying at URI, I took a class in women’s leadership. In that class, I was asked to create a personal vision statement, or personal goals. To list the things that I wanted to create more of in my life. I did. Then, I tucked that card away somewhere I a drawer and forgot about it until about 3 years ago. As I was cleaning out some old papers, I came across the list and realized I’d manifested everything on it.  It read like this:

    • Complete undergraduate degree by end of 2013
    • Gain leadership position in small, women friendly, socially responsible organization – or start one of my own. I want to love what I do, like who I work for and be well compensated for my experience and skill
    • Continue serving in organizations that advocate for and invest in women and girls; serve on a board of directors
    • Live simply; be active and healthy
    • Be a mentor to others
    • Never stop learning
    • Enjoy time with my grandchildren, family and friends
    • Travel the world

    I’ve done all of these things…and more. Not only did I graduate in spring 2013, I did so with highest honors. I serve on the Women’s Fund of RI board of directors, and as most of you know I’ve started my own small, women friends, socially responsible business. I’ve traveled to Italy, Paris, and around the U.S. and will very likely be back in Italy to host a women’s retreat in 2018. I continue to live simply, enjoy family and friends more than ever, and I don’t plan to stop learning or traveling the world.

    I’m grateful for all of this, and I am grateful and blessed to have the honor of coaching others in following their own dreams – as a life coach, a workshop facilitator, and retreat leader. And so it is.

    27. Today, and every day really, I’m grateful for good friends. I am blessed to have many.

    Last evening, I spent time with two of them. About a year ago, we took a class on prosperity together at Concordia Center for Spiritual Living. And, over the last year, we’ve met pretty consistently to continue to do this work. Oh, we get together for lots of other things that friends do, too…food and wine, movies, snow shoeing, hiking, shopping, road trips. We laugh, a lot, and are there for each other for a good cry, when problems arise, or someone needs a lift somewhere.

    As much, or more, I appreciate that we challenge and support each other in doing deep inner work. They help me (and I they) to question my thoughts and beliefs, and provoke deeper inquire into those beliefs and ideas. I love deep conversation and deep discussion friends. Last night, we as we began reviewing chapter 1 of A Happy Pocketful of Money (David Gikandi), we didn’t think there was much to discuss. The first chapter laid out what to expect within the next 20 or so chapters. Au contraire mon ami! We managed to have yet another deeply thought-provoking discussion that challenged each of us in our beliefs about money and wealth. This practice continues after the new year.

    This is just one story of the amazing people in my life. And, another example of the power of intention. I set an intention back in 2011 to create a community of likeminded women, and men, in my life. And, here they are.

    28. Today I’m grateful for coffee shops, for Wi-FI, for laptops and cell phones, and for a great bluetooth headset. For the freedom and flexibility to take myself out and work amidst the activity of life. People working, chatting, eating together. Sometimes I see someone I know and we share our thoughts in the moment, or meet a total stranger who extends a kind word. I’m grateful from a place of knowing I’m never alone, and when I want the noise of life, I can simply pick up and come here.

    29. I’m celebrating, appreciating, and in gratitude for so many things today. 34 years ago, my youngest son was born on this day. Today I celebrate the wonderful man he has become.Last evening, I got to watch my grandson on the ice. He’s learning to play hockey and I’m amazed and delighted to see how skilled he is becoming on skates.

    I am steeped in planning for 2018. I’ve secured a venue for a retreat early February and have a special guest or two that will participate in that event. I had my first planning call a retreat in Italy in October, 2018, and I continue widen the circle of likeminded sisters. This evening, I’ll facilitate session 4 in a 6-week workshop series entitled, Women Writing Their Lives. I am in awe of the women, their willingness to show up, be vulnerable, and the writing is amazing

    What I’m most grateful for today is work that feels like play. That I have the confidence to share my gifts, to lead deep, introspective work, to lead fun, playful, joyful work that nurtures and empowers. I’m also grateful from a place of knowing that this practice of gratitude is the path to abundance, peace, joy, and happiness.

    30: Today, I’m thankful for waking at 2:30 am. Gracie woke me early this morning. She needed to pee. I grumble as I get out of bed, reminding myself that I too need to pee in the middle of the night at times and grateful she hasn’t peed on the floor. With my eyes still closed, I put on my coat and boots and head out the door. As I am waiting for her to finish, the cold air awakens me and I look up into the starlit sky. It’s so quiet and peaceful. I see the big dipper (the only constellation I recognize) among the stars and the three-quarter moon beaming its light. I breathe in the early morning air, give thanks for the moment, and head back inside to a warm bed, thankful for this, too.

    I’m grateful for the things that challenge me to grow in places and in ways I didn’t think I could, up until now. And I’m grateful for the practice of gratitude. The more I give thanks the more I have to be thankful for. Some of them may seem mundane or uninteresting. That’s the best, isn’t it? Stopping to notice what’s right in front of us! Pausing to be grateful for the things we nearly always take for granted…our hands, our eyes, the fork we eat with, the shoes on our feet, the sun on our face, the stars in the sky. You know I could go on and on…and I will, in my journal. I hope you will too.

From my grateful heart to yours,

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