The Magic of Midlife

The magic of midlife has been on my mind a lot lately. My first night home from my cross country adventure I slept 11 hours! It was wonderful to be back in the place I call home. As often happens to me in the sleepiness of morning, a memory began to play in my mind. When I was 9 or so, in Girl Scouts, we learned the song Happy Talk from the musical South Pacific and put on a little performance for our parents. It’s the chorus that keeps repeating itself.

Happy talk, keep talkin’ happy talk,
Talk about things you’d like to do.
You got to have a dream,
If you don’t have a dream,
How you gonna have a dream come true?

These words have never resonated with me in quite the same way they do today. Dreams are the stuff our lives are made of. Our dreams, those things the we desire to do, have, or be in life are not accidental. They are not happenstance. Rather they are the desires of our soul, of spirit expressing through us. They are divine ideas, ordained by the higher self to be fulfilled. Furthermore, we never stop dreaming. Yet all too often we dismiss them, put them off until someday (or never), and deny ourselves the very things we came into this life to experience.

Dreams don’t just happen. We must feed and nurture them. How we talk to and about ourselves, our dreams, and our lives matters to the fulfillment of them. Because when we talk happy, forgive the past and let go of worry about the future, we encourage our dreams and ourselves. Appreciating ourselves for who we are, what we’ve experienced and what we have, we open the channel for our dreams to flow into our life.

When I reached mid-life, somewhere around 50, the calling to fulfill my dreams became so loud that I could no longer deny their existence. I began to honor the magic of mid-life by honoring the desires of my soul. This didn’t come without difficulties and challenges. Nonetheless, in mid-life we’ve garnered the wisdom and experience to know how to navigate through any situation with grace. This is midlife magic – knowing who we are and allowing ourselves to find new ways of being, doing, and expressing the beauty and depth of our soul.

Do you have a midlife dream? Would you like to explore the magic of midlife within you?
Together, let’s birth a new expression of you.

From my heart to yours,

Are you a woman in mid-life who wants to learn more about herself? To remember your past in ways that allow you to live a fuller future and unleash your midlife magic? Women Writing Their Lives is for you! Starting Nov. 1.

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