Oh the Magic!

Those of you who know me or follow this blog know that I am often inspired by a child’s perspective. Oh, the magic!

I’d been working on projects all morning and wanted a break. I took a walk to the post office to mail a small gift to a friend, a token of appreciation. The package safely on its way, I walked up the street a block to my favorite café to get coffee for my walk home. There, I met a little girl standing in line with her mother who was ordering lunch. I said hello. She smiled brightly and announced, “I’m magical!” “How wonderful, me too”, I replied and she danced. It’s so delightful to be in the presence of magic and aren’t we all magical?

When I think magic I think hocus-pocus, or sleight of hand, or the kinds of things that can only happen in movies. In truth, real magic has little to do with any of those things. We all have the power to make magic each day with a warm smile, a kind word, a helping hand. Isn’t there magic in all of those things? When I mailed that package this morning it felt like I was making magic – the magic of giving, the magic of gratitude. There is magic in kindness and big magic in the love we share.

Before I left the café, the little girl declared she had a lot of energy today. I asked her if she would share some with me. She extended her hand and placed some energy into mine. Oh, the magic in that! I’m blessed and grateful to be the recipient of such magic today. And the energy she gave me…I used it to write this post.

Happy magical trails…

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