The Answer is Always YES!

As I reflect on this past year, there have been many challenges and many gifts. I’m amazed at the ways in which I have shifted my awareness, sharpened my focus, and allowed myself more freedom to simply be more of my authentic self. I’ve been more willing to surrender to what life brings me, knowing it is all part of my spiritual journey. The more I say yes to life the more I realize the answer is always yes.

Every December around this time, I clear my calendar and make time to reflect and look ahead. As I was reflecting, I had some memories surface, reflecting how often I was told no as a young girl. In these memories, I don’t recall what I asked for, I simply recall the familiar answers, “you can’t have everything you want” and “the answer is NO!”. These answers became so familiar to me that I believed them and, up until recently, they were the programming by which I lived. So, realizing that the answer is always yes, didn’t come easily. Yet, it’s true.

The answer is always yes to what you believe

When you believe you can’t have or be or do what you want, the answer is always yes. Yes, you can’t. When you change your thinking to I can, this becomes your new truth. The answer is always yes. There’s a lot of old B.S., our early programming running in the background of our beliefs that keep us operating on auto-pilot. Awareness is key to having more of what and who you want to be in life.

You see what you believe

A couple years ago I decided it was time to consider a new relationship. I’d been single for over 7 years since my divorce. It felt like time and I was willing to explore the idea. Up until that time, I was still operating on old beliefs around love and relationships. I came face-to-face with an old, unconscious belief that I was not worthy of the relationship I imagined having. Of course, this was my experience because the answer is always yes. I was seeing what I believed.

Action is necessary. Otherwise, you’re just dreaming. However, this action is inspired by the feeling and vision of what you desire. You take small steps in the present moment towards that vision. You power to create what you desire is here, in. this present moment. Each step of the way, the answer is always yes.  

You have the power to choose how you perceive every moment

This past year has been a year of tremendous growth and change for me. I suspect the same for you. A time when I allowed myself to get far more clear about who I am and who I am becoming. I’ve set some really audacious goals for 2021, one that seems wildly impossible at the moment.

At the same time, I’m committed to taking whatever action is available to me in the present moment, knowing that it’s less about the goal itself and more about becoming that bigger version of myself along the way. If you never set an impossible goal, you’ll never know just how much you can be and do in this life.

Once you start doing, you stop doubting

As you prepare your intentions and goals for 2021, I invite you to make time to get clear on what you desire and begin to be more aware of your own B.S that keeps you playing small. Set big goals. Allow yourself to become more of who you are here to be. Keep your heart, your mind, your attention focused on what you truly desire…one decision at a time. Because, whatever you believe, the answer is always yes.

From my heart to yours,

Ready to give yourself the freedom to live into your dreams? Work with me? Now accepting new client applications for 2021. Let’s talk!

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