Follow the path and let go

There will be a few times in your life when all your instincts will tell you to do something, something that defies logic, upsets your plans, and may seem crazy to others. When that happens, you do it. Listen to your instincts and ignore everything else. Ignore logic, ignore the odds, ignore the complications, and just go for it. Judith McNaught

This week, I begin a new chapter as I leave my corporate job to travel, to live more consciously, and create a more purposeful life. Wow…it’s really happening. I’m doing this! It has been a long time in the planning. It’s a bit scary at times when I think about leaving what has been a big part of my identity behind, not to mention the regular income. Truth is though, I have been restless and disenchanted for a very long time. I attended a women’s retreat last fall appropriately themed Letting Go. There, I came to the realization that my job felt totally lifeless; a sure sign it was time to go.

Our lives are a series of transitions, and like most people, I’ve had my share of major transitions over my lifetime and especially the last seven years. I feel as though I have been shedding layers of who I thought I was and finding the authentic me. Leaving my job seems the next logical step…although, I understand if it seems illogical to others. Fear of the unknown is what keeps us rooted in places and situations that we ought to leave – often times they are disagreeable, uncomfortable and even painful yet nothing changes until we change something. I would rather try and fail then regret that I never took the chance.

So, on Friday I will turn in my ID badge, my security token, and my corporate credit card. I’ll no longer enter the office through the revolving door, use my user ID and password to access shared folders and company email, and I’ll no longer identify as someone with a corporate job. As I close that door, there is a big, open, blank space before me. A space where my creativity is guided by my inner wisdom to new and exciting ventures and adventures. Stepping into this path is as close as I’ll ever come to parachuting out of a plane. I’m trusting that the chute will open.

Happy trails…
March, 2015

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