50 is the New…50!!!!

Hey sister…have you heard. 50 is the new 50!

I once subscribed to the idea that 50 is the new 40 and then, I reached 50 and realized just how much I’d changed, and how much experience, knowledge, skill and wisdom I’d gained in those 10 years. I decided then that 50 is the new 50, and I’m going to embrace all of it; own it, claim it, and step into the power and beauty of this time of life.

And let’s face it…thinking 50 is the new 40 is just more ageism wrapped in a cute little meme. 

So, whether you’re 40, 50, 60, 70 or beyond…you’re not getting old, you’re just getting started on this next part of the adventure of living life.
When I was 40, my family gave me an ‘over the hill’ party. It was fun…and you know what? I’m still climbing that hill it’s just an easier, more peaceful and gentle climb, without pushing or hustling, knowing there’s nothing to rush…not because I’m slow…but because I know the value of the moment, of lingering to enjoy the view, the weather, the joy of each step on the path…and I’m wise enough to know there’s no need to rush. 

50 is the new 50…and this is a beautiful thing!

I’m more confident than ever before, am much kinder to myself which includes creating healthy boundaries. And this means being kinder to everyone else in the process. I’m deeply connected to my inner wise self and no longer give a hoot what other’s think of me. With each new year comes a deeper sense of awareness and a more open hearted me.

That ‘midlife crisis’ is actually you awakening to your truest self!

While midlife often arrives with a sense of restlessness and lots of wondering and questioning yourself and your life, it can be the MOST empowering time of life for women. So…how do you begin to embrace it?
First, get clear about what you believe. So much of what we think about who we should be, about life and life at midlife comes from our subconscious programming – things we learned early in life that no longer apply. We rarely, if ever, stop to look at what we’re thinking and how that is affecting our lives now. (I have a free webinar to guide you through this process)
Second, get clear about what you want to believe about yourself and your life because what you learned and believe can be unlearned. You can create new beliefs and guess what sister, you get to choose how you think about yourself!
Lastly, give yourself permission to be who you want to be now! Be who you know, deep down, you are here to be.
In my own journey, 50 is the new 50, took a bit of sorting out, reclaiming and rediscovering parts of myself, and a whole lot of letting go. It’s ongoing process and I am loving life. I’ve exited a corporate career to be a coach, and that coaching practice has evolved into a mission to empower 1 Million women in midlife to live into their dreams…to embrace the fullness of who they are. I’m truly just getting started!

50 is…new, improved, exciting, empowering, and oh so incredibly beautiful! 

 I’d love to be your guide on this midlife adventure so you can come alive and thrive in midlife and beyond. You can find out more here!

From my heart to yours,

ps…I’d love for you to share this with other women in your circle who are experiencing the madness of midlife so they too can discover the magic within themselves.

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